Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Designing metrics and customer experiences that move conversion

It’s sometimes difficult to understand how to influence customer behavior on your site! Our approach to customer-centric conversion rate optimization are proven to increase engagement and convert traffic into customers. Top-notch customer flow analysis, tight user-funnels, Strategic use of CTAs, visually appealing content, and simplified UX are part of our standard CRO process. We believe in rapid identification of gaps, quick build solutions and methodical testing acumen to drive results.

Digital Marketing

Get high buying-intent traffic to your site

Our marketing services are proven to bring traffic that converts at a high rate. We help our clients in forming a marketing strategy to drive new visitors, and engage them further. A disciplined multi-channel approach has helped in acquiring new customer, build thought-leadership, increase repeat purchases, and improve brand identity. We provide services for social media marketing, google PPC, setting up transaction email funnels, promotional text messages & emails, re-marketing, and content marketing.

Software Development

Building highly functional and secure eCommerce portals

Our highly skilled developers team has delivered projects in various technology flavors like Magento, Liferay, Shopify, WordPress, Woocommerce, and more. With a highly structured approach, our aim is to build code that can be easily understood and highly functional. From putting up a quick eCommerce shop to developing highly customized solutions and integrations, you can rely on our team to deliver above expectations.

Data Services

Data stories are only as good as the story-teller

Whether you’re looking for a customized, sales report e-mailed to your team every morning or would like a professional board deck prepared for you every month, we got you covered. We specialize in providing in-depth, analytical reporting and analysis, customized dashboards and automated data visualization solutions that will enable your company to make informed, data-driven business decisions.

Ranging from simple excel driven reports to complex data warehouses, we have dealt with data of all sizes!

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